Track to the Future: Clarksville 2035
Three times, Leadership Clarksville study groups have developed forward-looking plans for the community: in 1989 looking ahead to 2000; in 1996 asking what kind of city we wanted Clarksville to be in 2010; and in 2015 to 2025. As we quickly approach 2025, it is time to look farther out and imagine where we can be. What will be our biggest needs?
Your charge is to evaluate whether any of the prior study groups’ visions and projections guided the growth in Clarksville and Montgomery County. Has the city or county accomplished any of the goals set? Be sure to include your findings in the final report.
As we look to the future, you should also develop a plan for 2035. As you develop your 2035 vision through research, talk to industry leaders in small and large businesses, to business recruiters and developers. What will be our quality-of-life needs (i.e. healthcare needs, education, infrastructure, housing)? Talk to health care leaders and providers, academic officials, to local and regional planners, and to regular citizens about how and what they see as our challenges and opportunities.

Voices of Clarksville
“When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground.” ~An African Proverb
This African proverb accurately depicts that in each person is a library. These young and old libraries hold valuable artifacts that tell the complete history of Clarksville and Montgomery County. Unfortunately, the antiquities contained in these human libraries are rarely “unearthed” and preserved. Additionally, “historical fiction” prevails because the stories can be troubling, poignant, personal, and sometimes, incongruous aspects of lives lived. Sadly, much of our history is often displayed in stationary exhibits in museums. Thus, it is not readily available to those who may never travel to a museum.
Your charge is to design the plan for a video art platform that tells the first-hand stories of our community. It should be a display that can travel to museums, schools, and special events throughout the county. Your creation should maximize technology, identify potential funding sources, outline the logistics, and identify potential areas to be addressed. It should also seek to include dialog between a multifaceted and diverse group of citizens. Your overall aim is to spark the desire to share historical truths in our community.
A Little Litter = A Big Problem for Clarksville-Montgomery County
Clarksville has beautiful countryside, lovely neighborhoods, and a vibrant downtown area. This charming atmosphere has served as a magnet for drawing individuals and organizations that wish to make our area home. With the increase in population and influx of industry, the need to keep our community free from litter is a renewed concern. This greater volume of activity leads to an increased generation of trash and debris. This threatens to pollute our parks, highways, shopping centers, and neighborhoods.
Now more than ever, it is imperative we recognize the impact litter has on our economy and quality of life. We need to explore ways that individuals, businesses, agencies, and other organizations can work together to find solutions. That will help maintain the beauty and cleanliness of Clarksville-Montgomery County now and into the future.